evader|evaders in English


[e'vad·er || -də]

avoider, one who evades, one who shirks, one who eludes

Use "evader|evaders" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "evader|evaders" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "evader|evaders", or refer to the context using the word "evader|evaders" in the English Dictionary.

1. Tax evaders continue to dodge the government in Connivance with the taxmen.

2. In Study 1B, 3 latent profiles based on power and color evasion were identified: Acknowledgers (low color evasion, low power evasion), evaders (high color evasion, average power evasion), and deniers (average color evasion, average power evasion), which differed on relevant variables (e.g., modern racism, support for affirmative-action).

3. Agonizer: spends a lot of time making decisions: mystic: makes decisions based on intuition or "hunches" fatalist: feels that he/she has no control over decisions: evader "ostrich style"--ignores the decision: plunger: makes impulsive decisions: submissive: lets an authority figure make a decision: planner: thoughtful decision maker--uses the